Collection Travertine 02
![Collection Travertine 02]()
Collection Travertine 02
MAX | FBX | TEX | 3D Models | 126.77 MB
Collection Travertine 02
This collection include:5 texture Pear Travertine with glossinessMap, normalMap and heightMap
5 texture White Travertine with glossinessMap, normalMap and heightMap
7 texture Gray Travertine with glossinessMap, normalMap and heightMap
9 texture Beige travertin with glossinessMap, normalMap and heightMap
Size textures are: 1200p * 2400p
Dimention Slabs are: 120cm * 240cm
Dimention Floor Tiles are: 60cm * 120cm
no use Plugin
In the archive:
* .max
* .fbx
* .obj
* .mtl