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Electrical Box

Posted on: 9-02-2022, 11:07
High-Quality Electrical Box

Native scene: 3dsMax2018 V-Ray 3.06

**Maps: -Diffuse 2048x2048 *jpg -Roughness 2048x2048 *jpg -Displacement 2048x2048 *jpg -emmisive 2048x2048 *jpg -Normal 2048x2048 *jpg -Glossiness 2048x2048 *jpg -metalness 2048x2048 *jpg

Additional scenes: -*.FBX 2016/2017 *.OBJ

3D max2021
3D max 2018
Marmoset Viewer
Clean mesh (no overlaps) - Clean UV (no overlaps)
Units: centimeters Preview images rendered with Substance Painter

** SubstancPainter file are available and we can email it to you.**

Electrical Box



Autodesk 3ds Max (.max) (2 files)26.7 MB
Textures135 MB
Autodesk FBX 2016-2017 (.fbx)2.88 MB
OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)5.09 MB